Money and labor, or in other words money and work. Labor Day is approaching, and it’s a day off from work. We work for our money, and our money should work for us. I’ll say it again. We work for our money, and our money should work for us. So how do we make our money work for us? It’s easy, but it’s easier said than done. You give your money an assignment or a job. You give your money an assignment in the form of a budget. A lot of people probably just cringed at that word, “budget.” The truth is a budget isn’t awful at all, and it’s actually necessary. It can be empowering too. How many people have gotten their W-2 and wondered where their money went? I know I have.
So a budget is telling your money where to go rather than wondering where it went. Rachel Cruze says, “A budget isn’t restrictive. It’s permission to spend.” You set the budget and guidelines to suit you and your family's wants and needs. I challenge you to shift your paradigm on budgeting to this way of thinking. That’s the easy part though. The hard part is having the discipline to follow it. The Bible states, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, for those who have been trained by it, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace” (Hebrews 12:11 ISV).
Imagine being a couple and communicating with each other and not having so many money fights. Granted some will still happen. No fights from accidentally spending too much, having guilt of splurging on something, and no anxiety about whether or not there is enough money in the account. The purchase was planned and you stuck to it. This is how you gain pride and confidence as a consumer while making your money work for you instead of against you.
-Tyler Plageman